Sep 18, 2008

VISIT: Tour de PARK (UQ)

Full UQ Media Release is here

TOUR DE PARK (Contact Kristy:

LEG 1 : UQ
11.00am : Meet at Fruit Stall for walking tour of UQ PARKs
12:oopm: Leave UQ on bikes from the Green Bridge (UQ side) riding to West End

LEG 2: WEST END (The Climate Torch Relay)

12.30pm – Posto Coffee Shop, 235 Boundary Street, West End
The event will then visit each of the PARKs on Boundary Street and will feature rickshaws, bicycles and relay runners. The torch will then be handed over to the PedBikeTrans PARK
1.30pm – PedBikeTrans Ideas Market PARK – Stanley Street, South Bank


1:30pm onwards: You are encouraged to visit the rest of the PARK at your leisure

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