Feb 17, 2008

P is for PERMIT

Participation in Brisbane PARK(ing) Day is at the risk of the participants who are acting independently and who are liable for their own actions.

Anyone involved should survey the legal landscape and be aware of the laws that govern our roads. Remember this activity should not interfere with the safety of yourselves, people on footpath or vehicles on the road. You must respect the usual parking restrictions (eg do not obstruct bus stops, clearways, loading, taxi etc)

BCC Traffic Information
Full BCC Parking/Traffic Local Laws
Checklists and info on BCC Footway and Roadway Permits

Verbal advice from BCC Local Laws confirm that if the meter is paid, it is not technically an offense (they can not book you as a parking offense but is not currently a supported act)

1. Be prepared to engage passersby, motorists, members of the press, authorities in a rational and respectful dialogue and explanation of PARK(ing) Day.

2. Negotiate private spaces and choose locations near supportive businesses

3. Officially apply for BCC "part lane closure". Application involves traffic management plan, application fee ($112) and has associated costs -police permit is $50, $150 establishment cost and $120 per metre per day for the length of the road space required. At this stage requires BCC political support for officers to approve (TBA)

PARKs can encouraged anywhere but for media and design showcase we are looking to work with BCC to achieve a "legitimate"(permitted) cluster. More information to come.

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